04.2020 – present – Warsaw School of Economics (Poland): Project: CA19121 “Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living”, Management Committee Member
04.2020 – present – Warsaw School of Economics (Poland): Project: CA19136 “International Interdisciplinary Network on Smart Healthy Age-friendly Environments”, Management Committee Substitute
10.2018-04.2022 – associate – Centro Tecnológico del Mueble Y la Madera – Project: CA16226 “Sheld-On: Indoor living space improvement: Smart Habitat for the Elderly”, Work Group 1. Healthcare
05.2018 – 11.2021 – associate – University of Limerick – Project: COST Action CA16121 “From Sharing to Caring: Examining Socio-Technical Aspects of the Collaborative Economy”, Working group 1: Collaborative Economy Practices and Communities and Working group 4: Mechanisms to Activate and Support the Collaborative Economy
04.2018 – 11.2021 – associate – EMES – Project: COST Action CA16206 “EMPOWER-SE: Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars”, Work Group 1. Foundations and Work Group 2: Industries & Impact
03.2018-09.2020 – associate – Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung – Project: COST Action CA15212 “Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe”, Work Group 2: Develop synergies with education and Work Group 3: Improve society-science-policy interface
09.2020 – outside expert – European Social Network (Belgium) – Evaluation of the proposals in the European Social Services Awards related to the topic “Transforming community care”
07-08.2020 – outside expert – Council for European Studies at Columbia University (United States) – CES Digital Hub – Mentoring for PhD students and junior scholars
10.2018-09.2019 – associate – ATOS Spain – Project: Big Policy Canvas – Transforming policy making through Big Data and Open Innovation – Member of the stakeholder community
05.2018-02.2019 – outside expert – European Commission, Joint Research Centre – Work on the “Enlightenment 2.0″/”Understanding our political nature: How to put knowledge and reason at the heart of political decision-making” Flagship Report as a Reviewer and Advisor in the form of Steering Committee member
05.2017-03.2020 – Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway, Ireland – Work group: Community/spatial – assessment of spatial conditions for life for aging societies, including factors affecting exclusion and social integration in old age
2015 – Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Białymstoku – Project: “Popyt na zawody i kompetencje na podlaskim rynku pracy a potrzeby pracodawców w zakresie kształcenia ustawicznego pracowników w wieku 45 lat i więcej” (The Demand for Professions and Competencies on the Podlasie Labor Market and the Needs of Employers in Terms of Training for Workers Aged 45+), the development of the research report
2015-2017: Bar Ilan University, Israel; Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen, Germany – Project: COST Action IS1402 “Ageism – a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective”, Work Group: “The workforce” will evaluate specific employment settings or situations (e.g., the economic crisis) in which ageism might be more pronounced. Behaviours and attitudes of employers and their impact on employees of various age groups will be examined.
2014-2015: Fundacja Inicjatyw Społeczno-Ekonomicznych – The “Network of Non-Governmental Institutions of the Labour Market” implemented under the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – Preparation of papers: “The contracting of activation services from public employment services to outside – models used abroad” and “Outsourcing of activation services by PES to NGO – beyond the contracting: law and practice”
2015: Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska – The substantive consultations of the final report prepared as part of the study, the subject of which is the methodology of measuring the level of digital literacy of the 50+ generation that allows the acquisition and evaluation of the functional level of digital literacy
2014: Mentor for social change, online crowd-mentorship program for social innovation to support social entrepreneurs
2014: Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr and Narodowe Forum Doradztwa Kariery – Project PI-PWP: Innowacje na zakręcie – testowanie i wdrażanie nowych metod outplacementu (PI-PIP: Innovation at the Turn – Testing and Implementation of New Methods of Outplacement) implemented under the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – Preparation and presentation of the report from the evaluation studies of final products developed in the project; desk research reports Outplacement for companies – barriers, needs, growth factors; Outplacement for employees – barriers, needs, growth factors; development of research methodology and preparation of research tools; analysis of data and the development of quantitative research reports and recommendations
2014: Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr – Project Rozwój transgranicznej współpracy gospodarczej Podregionu białostocko-suwalskiego i Obwodu grodzieńskiego na Białorusi oraz Podregionu krośnieńsko-przemyskiego i Obwodu zakarpackiego na Ukrainie (Development of Cross-border Economic Co-operation of Subregions Bialystok-suwalki and Grodno Oblast, Subregion Przemysl and Krosno with Carpathian Oblast in Ukraine) implemented under the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 – Development of the analysis report of the economic potential of Bialystok and Suwalki subregions
2014: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – Conceptualization of the research project and Desk Research on social policy towards old age and the elderly with particular emphasis on the model of the age friendly cities of the World Health Organization; project “Seniors Participate” co-funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy under the Government Programme for the Elderly Social Activity for 2014-2020
2014: MDM Badania Społeczne – Desk Research of the market segments of products and services for older people in the city of Krakow in comparison with other major cities of Poland
2013-2014: Izba Rzemieślnicza i Przedsiębiorczości w Białymstoku and Organizacja Międzyzakładowa NSZZ „Solidarność” Pracowników Oświaty i Wychowania – Project: PWP: Przyszłość Edukacji Zawodowej – lokalne partnerstwo na rzecz zwiększenia adaptacyjności nauczycieli zawodowych (The Future of Vocational Education – Local Partnership to Improve the Adaptability of Vocational Teachers) implemented under the Innovative Projects Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – desk research and FGI reports Practices of supporting teachers threatened by unemployment and desk research report State of the adaptability of education professionals to market conditions
2013: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action and Centrum Edukacji i Inicjatyw Kulturalnych w Olsztynie – Organization of the student internships from the Institute of Sociology, University of Bialystok during project Budowa ogólnopolskiej sieci Obserwatoriów Żywej Kultury (Construction of a Nationwide Network of Living Culture Observatories) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage programme in 2013. Design and coordination of the regional research team Mapa wiedzy i niewiedzy o kulturze w województwie podlaskim (Map of knowledge and ignorance about the culture in Podlaskie), Monitoring wydarzeń kulturalnych w regionie (Monitoring of cultural events in the region) and Podlaska biblioteka kultury (Podlaska culture library)
2013: Fundacja Aktywizacja – Preparation and conducting evaluation of project Akademia Liderów Integracji Cyfrowej i Edukacji – ALICE (Academy of Digital Inclusion and Education Leaders) co-financed by the Ministry of Administration and Digitization – preparation of evaluation tool of all activities, data analysis, preparation of project evaluation report
2012-2013: Fundacja Ortus – Preparing and conducting project evaluation Oboz Kultury 2.0 (Culture Camp 2.0) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage programme in 2012- a series of workshops; developing a model of medialab institution; conducting CAWI surveys; ITI interviews; image analysis; Desk Research
2012-2013: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – Preparation of the evaluation report from educational workshops within the project Plac Zabaw Arsenał (Playground Arsenał) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage programme in 2012-2013; conducting a study of sampling, methods and tools for the study, the degree of satisfaction and expectations of participants
2013: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – The conceptualization of research on local and civic cooperation in Podlaskie and analysis of existing data, a project carried out for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Support for civil and local dimension of the Polish foreign policy in 2013
2013: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – Preparation of report Diagnoza postaw mieszkańców Białegostoku w zakresie tolerancji (Diagnosis of Attitudes in Tolerance of Bialystok Residents), including: study research tools, the structure of the survey sample preparation, statistical analysis, presentation of the report
2013: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – Preparation of the evaluation network “We Citizens” in the context of initiatives for national representation of non-governmental organizations and informal groups, including: preparation of research tools, analysis and processing of data, coordination of the project, presentation of the results
2011-2013: Białystok Technical University, Faculty of Management – Project: Foresight Technologiczny „NT FOR Podlaskie 2020” Regionalna strategia rozwoju nanotechnologii (Technology Foresight Project „NT FOR Podlaskie 2020″ Regional Strategy for the Development of Nanotechnology) implemented under the sub-1.1.1. Research projects using the method of foresight in Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 – working in the Support Group: monitoring the course of research, acquiring expertise, popularizing project, assistance in organization of conferences and panel discussions, developing documents
2012-2013: WYG International and Narodowe Forum Doradztwa Kariery – Project: Innowacje rynku pracy – testowanie i wdrażanie nowych metod promocji zatrudnienia w zawodach niszowych, ginących oraz mało popularnych (Innovations in the Labour Market – Testing and Implementation of New Methods of Promoting Employment in Occupations Niche, Endangered and Very Popular) implemented under the Measure 6.1 Innovative Projects Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – preparation and presentation of the report from evaluation studies of final products developed in the project
2013: Stowarzyszenie Towarzystwo Amicus – Project: Creative Poland implemented under the sub-2.2.1 Improving the quality of services provided by the institutions supporting entrepreneurship and innovation of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – Improving the quality of services provided by the institutions supporting entrepreneurship and innovation
2013: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – Development of substantial publications on the situation of persons with disabilities in the open labour market, taking into account the activities of Private Employment Agencies, including the preparation and carrying out of the following elements of Private Employment Agencies survey conducted by non-governmental organizations: the preparation of concept studies, preparation of research tools, preparation and development of the quantitative data, coordination of the research team
2012: Institute of Sociology, University of Białystok – Project: Procesy funkcjonowania pamięci zbiorowej w regionach kulturowo zróżnicowanych na przykładzie Białostocczyzny i Lubelszczyzny (Processes of Collective Memory Functioning in Culturally Diverse Regions on the Example of Bialystok and Lublin) the grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – preparing of material of in-depth interviews
2012: Europejska Fundacja Odnowy i Rozwoju Terytorialnego – Project Partnerski System Zarządzania Zmianą Gospodarczą na Obszarach Natura 2000 (Partnership System of Economic Change Management in the Natura 2000 areas) implemented under the sub-8.1.2 Support for adaptation and modernization in the region of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – identification and analysis of the functional areas of development conditions of Suwalki Lake and Knyszyńska Forest for the development of Local Strategy of Economic Change Management
2012: SocLab, Foundation Laboratory for Research and Social Action – Project: Diagnoza partycypacji w kulturze w województwie podlaskim (Diagnosis of Participation in Culture in Podlaskie) implemented under the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Culture Observatory in 2012 – analysis of cultural participation, cultural needs and perceptions of the role of culture from the perspective of the Drama Theatre, quantity and quality determine the image of the theatre and the assessment of its artistic and marketing activities
2012: Regionalne Obserwatorium Kultury Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu – Project Po co seniorom kultura? Badania kulturalnych aktywności osób starszych (For What Seniors Need Culture? A Cultural Study of Active Ageing) implemented as part of the Cultural education and culture diagnosis program of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in 2012 – diagnosis of older people active cultural needs and their social contexts, leading a team pursuing quantitative research at selected events in the Podlaskie Voivodeship
2012: Fundacja Rozwoju Ziemi Oleckiej – Project Dobra współpraca w powiecie oleckim to standard (Good Co-operation in the District’s Olecki as a Standard) implemented under the sub-5.2.1 Development of civil dialogue of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – work in a team for the development of normative standards handbook, guide the development of normative standards for NGOs from the district, moderating the seminar disseminating normative standards
2012: Stowarzyszenie Miasta w Internecie and Instytut Finansów – Project:Polska Cyfrowa Równych Szans (Digital Poland of Equal Opportunities) implemented as part of the system design activities for the development of broadband Internet access – preparing of training materials and conduct lectures
2012: WYG International – Project: Innowacje 50+ – testowanie i wdrażanie nowych metod utrzymania aktywności zawodowej pracowników po 50 roku życia (Innovation 50+ – Testing and Implementation of New Methods Living in Work after 50 Years) implemented under the Measure 8.3 Innovative Projects Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – organizing and carrying out desk research and expert assessment, external evaluation, presentation of the results of research and development report
2012: Centrum Promocji Innowacji i Rozwoju – Project Wsparcie funkcjonowania instytucji ekonomii społecznej – budowanie dobra wspólnego (Support the Functioning of the Institutions of the Social Economy – Building the Common Good) implemented under the sub-5.2.1 Supporting the social economy of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – prepare training materials and conduct lectures at the seminar “Local partnership of local governments and non-governmental organizations”
2012: Stowarzyszenie Miasta w Internecie – Project R@CK – Rodziny Cyfrowych Kompetencji (R@CK – Digital Family Competence) implemented under the 8.3 Preventing digital exclusion – eInclusion of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 – preparation and drafting of the project website
2009-2011: Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr and University of Białystok, Faculty of Economics and Management – Project: Startery podlaskiej gospodarki. Analiza gospodarczych obszarów wzrostu i innowacji województwa podlaskiego (Podlasie Economy Starters: Analysis of Economic Growth and Innovation Areas of Podlaskie Voivodeship) – a study of determinants and barriers to development of software sector; using the methods: SWOT analysis, PEST, scenarios, Porter five forces, field research and case study; a study of determinants and barriers to the development geriatric rehabilitation sector; using the methods: SWOT analysis, scenarios, Porter five forces, field research and case study
2011: Ośrodek Badań Społecznych i Marketingowych INDEKS – Project: RECO – Regiony we współpracy na rzecz poprawy zdrowia i jakości życia osób starszych (RECO – Regions in Collaboration to Improve Health and Quality of Life for Elderly) implemented as part of mini-program CREATOR in Interregional Cooperation Programme INTERREG IVC – Development of conclusions and recommendations from research Diagnoza potrzeb i oczekiwań mieszkańców Poznania powyżej 50. roku życia (Diagnosis of the Needs and Expectations of Poznań Residents over 50 Years of Age); creating typology – profiles of people older than 50 years of age in relation to the level of participation in social and cultural life; interpretation of research results in terms of social gerontology
2011: Stowarzyszenie Miasta w Internecie – Project: Sprawny Samorząd (Efficient Local Government) implemented under the sub-5.2.1 Modernization of management in local government of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – conducting focus groups; preparation of reports from qualitative research; development of report from data analysis on the basis of already existing secondary data; preparing a cumulative report from quantitative studies on the quality of service and customer satisfaction; development of report from quantitative and qualitative research regarding the level of employee satisfaction
2011: Stowarzyszenie Miasta w Internecie – Project: L@KTUR – Lokalne Partnerstwa dla Rozwoju Produktów Turystycznych Województwa Podlaskiego (L@KTUR – Local Partnership for Development of Tourist Products in Podlaskie Voivodeship) implemented under the sub-8.1.2 Support for adaptation and modernization in the region of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013- analysis of strategic and diagnostic documents for the preparation of strategy of anticipating and managing economic change in the tourism sector; development of strategy content
2011: Stowarzyszenie Miasta w Internecie – Project: Zachodniopomorskie partnerstwo na rzecz edukacji cyfrowej (West Pomeranian Voivodeship Partnership for the Digital Education) implemented under the sub-8.1.2 Support for adaptation and modernization in the region of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – analysis of strategic and diagnostic documents for the preparation of impact of strategic investments study in solutions of ICT; development of strategy of stimulating economic growth at local and regional level by improving digital literacy of residents
2010-2011: Izba Rzemieślnicza i Przedsiębiorczości w Białymstoku – Project: Flexicurity – szansa na zrównoważony rozwój rynku pracy (Flexicurity – a Chance for Sustainable Development of the Labour Market) implemented under the sub-8.1.3 Strengthen local partnership for the adaptability of the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – study of the labour market participants in Podlaskie Voivodeship using the methods: survey, in-depth interviews and focus group interviews
2010: Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy, Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Niezależnych Mikuszewo, Fundacja Innowacyjnych Przedsięwzięć Społecznych and Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej – Project: Kujawsko-Pomorska Akademia Edukacji Globalnej (Kuyavian-Pomeranian Academy of Global Education) – conducting classes in the field of global education in selected secondary schools in Białystok
2009-2010 – Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr – Project: Kompetentna Gmina – wzmocnienie potencjału administracji samorządowej w zakresie Zarządzania Rozwojem Lokalnym (Competent Commune – Strengthening Capacity of Local Government Administration in the Local Development Management) implemented under the sub-5.2.1 Modernization of local government management in the Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013 – in-depth interviews with key representatives of communes in Eastern Poland; survey studying the impact of management instruments for local development processes of communes; survey analysis training needs and preparation of case studies
2009-2010: Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr and Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego – Evaluation study: Ocena wpływu realizacji polityki spójności perspektywy 2004-2006 na zwiększenie możliwości rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego regionów Polski Wschodniej (Evaluation of the Implementation of Cohesion Policy Perspective 2004-2006 Impact on Improving the Possibilities of Socio-economic Development of Eastern Poland Regions) – selection of the representatives of intermediary institutions, implementers and beneficiaries in the Podlaskie Voivodeship, a series of in-depth interviews
2009: Białostocka Fundacja Kształcenia Kadr – Project: Klastry jako potencjał rozwoju – województwo podlaskie (Clusters as a Potential for Development – Podlaskie Voivodeship) – telephone interviews with representatives of companies belonging to the cluster initiatives and interviews with managers of cluster initiatives
2009: Wojewódzki Ośrodek Animacji Kultury w Białymstoku – Participation in the ongoing work of the department of design and events organization within the program Internships at cultural institutions 2009 – the spring edition of the National Cultural Centre; promotion of cultural events, fundraising, monitoring of information portals and cultural development programs; preparation and execution of research project Działalność instytucji kultury w opinii mieszkańców Białegostoku (Activities of Cultural Institutions in Opinion of the Inhabitants of Bialystok)
2008: Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN – Narodowy Program Foresight Polska 2020 (National Foresight Programme Poland 2020) – Expertise of needs and threats in socioeconomic development of Poland, choice of research directions that will improve competitiveness of Polish economy and quality of life
2007-2008: Institute of Sociology, University of Białystok – Project: Demokracja lokalna: relacje między lokalną władzą i społecznością jako czynnik rozwoju małych zbiorowości terytorialnych (Local Democracy: Relations Between Local Government and Society as a Development Factor of Small Territorial Communities) – Conducting in-depth interviews
2007: Institute of Sociology, University of Białystok – Project: Ewolucja tożsamości a integracja społeczności lokalnej w trakcie zmiany systemu polskiego na przykładzie miasta Suchowola (City Suchowola as an Example of Identity Evolution and Social Integration of Local Society During the Change of the Polish Social System) – Collecting and analysing of photography, group work on documents movie
2005: Institute of Sociology, University of Białystok – Project: Demokracja lokalna w działaniu (Local Democracy in Action) – Conducting in-depth interviews
2001-2009: editor – o2.pl Sp. z o.o.; associated editor – Wydawnictwo Independent Press (“Neo Plus” video games magazine); editor – Interia.pl S.A.; associated editor – Gry-Online S.A.; content coordinator – Gamesweek.pl; editor – Internet magazine Załoga G; associated editor – Gry.Hoga.pl; associated editor – Konsole.com.pl; associated editor – Jest-Ok.pl; editor – Gry.Reporter.pl; owner and content-related coordinator – Internet magazines catalogue Magazinier